RIYE was founded in 1991,we manufacture and service the products of Transformer,Regulator,UPS(Uninterruptible Power System),etc.Riye Electric persists the goal of ''safety'',''maneuverability'',''endurance''. Our products conform to international quality standards and international industrial standards,and we believe that our design must focus on 3H:High quality&High endurance&High safety.That's why not only high technology equipment agent but also distributors,engineers,and those who are planning to set up the factory overseas always put our product at the first place to make sure the power system's quality. Power system is one of our main products,for the sake of giving you the best quality and best service,our professional teams endeavor day and night.Lighting you up always!

Our main power solution products:
  • AVR system
  • UPS system
  • Transformer
  • Frequency Converter
  • DC power supply
  • Other power equipment
We have passed the ISO9002 certificate , and we believe the certificate speak for themselves.


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【R&S 羅德史瓦茲】最新消息

羅德史瓦茲為其R&S Spectrum Rider FPH系列增加了新的手持式微波頻譜分析儀




新的基本型號高達6 GHz,13.6 GHz和26.5 GHz,加上通過軟件升級的相應頻率擴展,現在可以採用高達31 GHz的頻譜分析功能。R&S頻譜手FPH是以低廉的價格在現場和實驗室精確的測量靈活的解決方案。

羅德史瓦茲公司擴展了其成功的R&S Spectrum Rider FPH系列,推出了三種新的基本型號,頻率範圍為5 kHz至6 GHz,13.6 GHz和26.5 GHz。R&S頻譜FPH是業內第一手持頻譜分析儀提供一個電容式觸摸屏和鍵碼通過唯一的頻率升級概念。由於升級既不需要停機也不需要重新校準,因此用戶可以毫不費力地升級其基本型號,例如從26.5 GHz升級到31 GHz。

新的高頻模型使堅固耐用的R&S Spectrum Rider FPH能夠在現場和實驗室中執行各種測量任務。R&S Spectrum Rider FPH結合了許多有用的選項,是一種用於各種應用的便利工具,例如驗證5G,廣播,雷達和衛星通信鏈路上的信號傳輸。該儀器將吸引現場技術人員和實驗室工程師,因為它支持航空航天和國防,移動網絡測試和廣播中的日常測量任務,以及監管機構和教育任務的任務。

R&S Spectrum Rider FPH重量僅為2.5千克,是移動應用的理想選擇。它的電池使用時間超過六小時,使儀器能夠工作一整天而無需充電。

可以通過USB或LAN遠程控制分析儀。為了更加方便,適用於iOS和Android 的R&S MobileView應用程序通過移動設備提供R&S Spectrum Rider FPH的無線遠程控制。

