RIYE was founded in 1991,we manufacture and service the products of Transformer,Regulator,UPS(Uninterruptible Power System),etc.Riye Electric persists the goal of ''safety'',''maneuverability'',''endurance''. Our products conform to international quality standards and international industrial standards,and we believe that our design must focus on 3H:High quality&High endurance&High safety.That's why not only high technology equipment agent but also distributors,engineers,and those who are planning to set up the factory overseas always put our product at the first place to make sure the power system's quality. Power system is one of our main products,for the sake of giving you the best quality and best service,our professional teams endeavor day and night.Lighting you up always!

Our main power solution products:
  • AVR system
  • UPS system
  • Transformer
  • Frequency Converter
  • DC power supply
  • Other power equipment
We have passed the ISO9002 certificate , and we believe the certificate speak for themselves.


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【Fluke 福祿克】 最新消息

FLUKE 新產品推薦- 快速檢測氣體洩漏點- FLUKE ii900 工業聲波成像儀-歡迎洽詢宥億企業



快速檢測氣體洩漏點,為客戶每年節省數萬元 Fluke ii900工業聲學成像儀
立即諮詢 更多ii900



Fluke ii900 工業聲學成像儀

您知道嗎? 電能浪費中有 40% 與壓縮空氣有關*定位壓縮空氣系統、氣體系統和真空系統中的洩漏點一直都是非常耗時和令人乏味的工作——但現在這種情況已徹底改變。 憑藉 Fluke ii900 聲學成像儀,您的維護團隊在幾分鐘之內就可以快速確定壓縮空氣、氣體和真空洩漏點的位置。利用 SoundSight™ 技術,即使在嘈雜的工業環境中,您也可以“看到”洩漏產生的聲音。
將聲波轉換為圖像,一目了然地 確定洩漏點,快速檢測和定位空氣動力系統中洩漏 洩漏檢測和定位、局部放電檢測、機
空氣壓縮洩漏是㇐個費用昂貴的問題, 每年花費數百萬元,檢測和修復都會消耗大量資源
