Outstanding quality and innovation does not have to come with a high price tag. The R&S®FPC spectrum analyzer provides unexpected performance at a budget-friendly price. It is engineered in Germany and designed to the same quality standards as highend instruments.
* RF performance engineered in Germany
* 10.1" WXGA (1366 × 768 pixel) display – largest and highest resolution in class
* Tracking generator and independent CW signal generator
* Built-in VSWR bridge
* One port vector network analyzer with Smith chart display
l Low Noise Level: -150 dBm(typ.)
(-165 dBm,with optional preamplifier)
l High Measument Power:+30 dBm
l 同等級儀器率先內建Wi-Fi功能,且原廠提供免費的R&S®MobileView APP(iOS/Android)。
l 同等級儀器最大顯示器:10.1” WXGA(1366 x 768)
l 解析頻寬(RBW)可設定至 1 Hz
l 重量僅3 KG;耗電量僅約16 W
l 選配的FPC-K7調變分析功能,除基本的ASK、FSK之外,還支援Bluetooth® LE與TPMS。
l 選配接收器模式(FPC-K43 Reicever Mode ),讓您可以輕鬆進行電路板、整合電路或電纜屏蔽的EMI調試工作。
l FPC-K55進階量測功能,可以進行Channel power、Occupied bandwidth、Harmonic distortion、Time domain(TDMA)power、AM modulation depth以及Third-order intercept(TOI)的量測。另外還提供累積瀑布圖功能,更方便您觀測頻譜佔用與時變信號。
l FPC1500採用獨特的內部VSWR 電橋設計,搭配FPC-K42網路分析功能,即成為單埠的向量網路分析儀。使用者可快速進行S11參數量測,並透過Smith Chart顯示量測結果。
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