RIYE was founded in 1991,we manufacture and service the products of Transformer,Regulator,UPS(Uninterruptible Power System),etc.Riye Electric persists the goal of ''safety'',''maneuverability'',''endurance''. Our products conform to international quality standards and international industrial standards,and we believe that our design must focus on 3H:High quality&High endurance&High safety.That's why not only high technology equipment agent but also distributors,engineers,and those who are planning to set up the factory overseas always put our product at the first place to make sure the power system's quality. Power system is one of our main products,for the sake of giving you the best quality and best service,our professional teams endeavor day and night.Lighting you up always!

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SPEED. FLEXIBILITY. COMPLIANCE.R&S®EPL1000 EMI Test Receiver EMI測試接收器 大幅減少測試時間


EPL1000 EMI Test Receiver-宥億企業yoie


The R&S®EPL1000 EMI Test Receiver - Perfect for conducted emission measurements

R&S EPL1000是一款緊湊、完整且符合CISPR 16-1-1標準的測試接收器,用於快速精確測量達30MHz的EMI。附加的頻譜分析儀和信號及追蹤產生器使R&S EPL1000成為各種實驗室應用的理想選擇。新的EMI測試接收器將在斯圖加特EMV 2023展會上首次展出。

Rohde & Schwarz在EMV 2023斯圖加特展會上展示了新的R&S EPL1000 EMI測試接收器,用於可靠的認證測量,測試時間大大減少。R&S EPL 1000符合CISPR 16-1-1標準,適用於認證量測。該儀器還能減少認證前測量任務的不確定性。

非常快的時域掃描讓R&S EPL1000可以在單次掃描中檢查CISPR頻段A或B的所有頻率,以便在需要或有必要的時候進行快速和無縫的長時間測量。一個人性化的GUI幫助EMC工程師快速找到不經常出現的雜散訊號,並得到良好的量測結果全貌。可重複的、符合標準的測試結果能夠確保產品的高品質。

R&S EPL1000有一個脈衝保護輸入。自動調整功能可以防止信號處理鏈超載,以確保正確的測量結果。內置的預選功能確保了高動態範圍,並能採集短脈衝。對於詳細的信號分析,R&S EPL1000具有頻譜圖(spectrogra)和中頻分析功能。自動化測試簡化了測量,並確保測試序列的精確可重複性。

例如,只需按下一個按鈕,連接到Rohde & SchwarzLISN的所有線路就可以檢查CISPR頻段A和B。結果會自動與定義的極限值進行比較,R&S EPL1000會將整個測量的結果顯示為PASS/FAIL。集成的報告產成器允許輕鬆保存和列印結果及量測細節。

附加的頻譜分析儀功能有助於進行詳細的EMI分析。可選的內建連續波信號產生器具有信號追蹤的功能,可以表徵使用的附件和電纜,而不需要使用外部信號產生器。除了標準的主電源,這個緊湊的測試接收機還可以在12/24 V DC或電池上運行,非常靈活便攜。

R&S EPL1000是進行傳導電壓和電流發射測量的理想選擇。頻率範圍為30MHz,是測試商業產品符合ISO、EN、CISPR和FCC標準的理想選擇。R&S EPL1000支援產品認證、預認證、產品開發階段的測量和市場監督。

R&S EPL1000可與R&S ELEKTRA EMC測試軟體一起使用。R&S ELEKTRA有助於最大限度地減少測試時間,簡化測試系統的配置和運行符合EMC標準的測試程式。該儀器加速了測試的執行,並提供全面的、可定制的測試報告。

Launch date: March, 28 2023
The R&S®EPL1000 is the perfect EMI Test Receiver for quick, precise and compliant conducted emission measurements up to 30 MHz that offers an incredibly low testing time, for better analysis and more insights.

With powerful analysis functions, a large touchscreen and a simple-to-use user interface, the R&S®EPL1000 is all you need for extensive analysis, a perfect instrument during the R&D process where electromagnetic interference needs to be monitored constantly.

Since the instrument is CISPR16-1-1 compliant, it makes it a valuable part of your preparation for external certification and even allows you to certify yourself, saving you money - and time.

With the added features of a spectrum analyzer and signal generator for diverse lab applications, the R&S®EPL1000 EMI test receiver is all the speed and flexibility to help you measure your way to compliance.

若是想要了解更多產品資訊,歡迎來電/來信 詢問宥億企業
E-mail: sales@yoie.com.tw
